Michelle Pritchard End of Season Update

2021 started with lots of uncertainty what with covid, but I used lockdown to do lots of training with the horses at home and we even enjoyed some ‘virtual dressage’ which was great fun! My favourite SXC fleece lined leggings kept me super warm throughout!
In the last couple of years I’ve really struggled with nerves when I’m jumping and I’ve worked hard this year to deal with the fear. I worked with a company called flying changes and their mastermind course has helped me no end and I highly recommend it! It’s made me completely change how I look at things. When I started I wanted to get to an event – 80 is my comfort zone at the moment – and just enjoy it. We managed to get to Solihull in August and had the best day, Frosty was a star as always and we managed to win our section!!
I’ve also done lots of Dressage this year and we qualified for the area festivals at elementary which we won in August, we even got a picture in horse and hound and so I was glad I had my SXC fly veil on! The area festival final was last week at arena uk and it was great and we finished 9th so I was super happy with that – hope to crack on and get some advanced mediums done over winter as Frosty loves his changes!
Ricky is still ticking along…I’m sure he’s still growing?! He’s the kindest horse and always tries so hard, he’s had some good Dressage results this year and we have enjoyed some XC clinics too, I haven’t show jumped him much as that’s where I struggle and I didn’t want to give him a bad experience, but I am going to set lots of small goals over this winter to hopefully crack this and we can give Eventing a go finally next year! My friend Pip did take him for a spin at the event at Solihull and so he’s had a run out in her SXC colours and seemed to love it!
Lastly I couldn’t blog without mentioning Promise! Offering Finn the ride on her was the best thing I could have done and I have loved going to watch them at events and seeing them grow together and do what I always knew she was capable of! They have won at Novice and 2*S level and then topped off the season winning an intermediate section – how cool is that?! Ones to watch next season for sure!
Final word goes to SXC for their ongoing support, even though I’m not Eventing as much as I used to the support is fantastic, the clothing is the best it ever has been and I’ve really enjoyed the insta takeovers, etc! It’s testament to how the brand has grown over the years I’ve been sponsored that the clothing range has grown so much and so many people wearing not just the riding clothes but the leisure wear and safety wear too – I’m so proud to be a little part of it! On that note I’m off to order some new breeches from the brand new website!
Here’s to looking forward to 2022!!